This writing is for Eugi’s Moonwashed Weekly prompt March 11 2025:
I took inspiration from the light bulb in the image.
The light bulb is a novel and popular container. Many years back, I was at a fair when I was approached to buy a sustainable product. It was shampoo made from the waste products of brewed beer, held inside a light bulb. It was an artificial bulb casing, made from plastic, and without the wire filaments for lighting the bulb. It looked so good that I was tempted to buy it.
Later at home, I examined the light bulb closely. In trying to promote a shampoo made from recycled waste, a non-degradable plastic bulb had to be made to contain this small amount of washing detergent. This isn’t entirely eco-friendly or sustainable. I resolved not to continue buying this product.
Eugi’s Moonwashed Weekly prompt on Tuesdays. This Tuesday’s Moonwashed prompt.