Dora’s dad’s gf’s husband loved Dora but she jilted him for his wife

Dora’s dad’s gf’s husband loved Dora but she jilted him for his wife. Dora was in turn rejected by her lady love, for her dad. Dora tried to compensate by returning to her childhood love for her dad. Dora should not have burned her bridges.

This is a case study by Freud in his book listed below.

Dora was a child when she started suffering from anxiety. Her parents were estranged; her mom was obsessed with cleaning, while her dad sought comfort from his best friend’s wife.

Dora’s brother sided with his mom and subsequently bonded over sexual attraction too. (Freud, p. 16) Dora sympathised with her dad.

Her dad’s friend, Herr K, tried to groom her but she had repressed her feelings for so long that when she was hugged by Herr K, she felt a displacement of sensation and imagined her chest hurt. (Freud, p. 21)

Dora didn’t feel free to express herself verbally so she wrote. She was an anxiety mute and her anxiety mutism resulted in writing. (Freud, p. 30)


Freud, S. (2006). The Psychology of Love. Penguin Classics: Great Britain.

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