Day dream Valentine’s Day 2021

Since I’m writing about #FPQ, this is my day dream for Valentine’s Day 2021:

I would prefer to be pragmatic and receive ornaments in gold or silver. Even small jewellery items are worth something when accumulated in weight. If I ever had to sell my possessions for cash, I would dig into my stash and cash out for survival.

I have no plans for Valentine’s Day. I pray for resolution to my practical issues.

Writing prompt:

Fandango, at his blog,, has posed these questions about Valentine’s Day. It is a part of his regular blog post about Fandango’s Provocative Question #FPQ issue #108.

How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? Do you consider it to be a special day, one where you express your deep love and appreciation for your significant other? Or is it just a commercialized “Hallmark Holiday” where you feel pressured to spend money on cards, flowers, candy, jewelry, and/or expensive dinners in order to stay on the good side of the one you love? Either way, what, if anything, are your plans for Valentine’s Day this year?

I think February 14 celebrations are over-hyped.

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