Dream of escaping flood
If you dream of escaping flood waters, it may predict a loss of property, money and other resources. The flood[…]
Read moreIf you dream of escaping flood waters, it may predict a loss of property, money and other resources. The flood[…]
Read moreIf you dream of driving on busy street, it means you have a busy life. You are the human whose[…]
Read moreIf you dream of mother saying you are pregnant, it can mean: Your mother hints you are expecting a significant[…]
Read moreIf you dream of laughing in a serious situation, it can be a reflection of your attitude in real life.[…]
Read moreIf you dream of being arrested, it may be a symptom of a guilty conscience. The brain may be nursing[…]
Read moreIf you dream of being in a tough situation and you’re being refused help from people around you, this is[…]
Read moreYou dream of random people. You dream of people you seldom see, or dream of people who are of no[…]
Read moreIf you dream of making unusual projects, it means you have a known or hidden talent. Your brain tells you[…]
Read moreIf you dream of rescuing people, it means in real life, you are being called upon, to help people. This[…]
Read moreIf you dream you’re searching for your favorite food and you’re not finding it, there is a message. It suggests[…]
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